Blog 23 Well played Centre NAD. Well played indeed.

Hi all,

If you’re not one of the, close to 20 million viewers, who were shocked when they saw a viral video of an eagle attempting to pick up a child on Mount-Royal in Montreal, here’s what you missed:

The video quickly garnered over 2 million views in one night and became an internet sensation instantaneously. People around the world started chiming in and giving their insights into whether or not the video was real. As it turns out, the doubters were right and the video was pronounced a fabrication by the school of 3D animation and special effects  in Montreal (that I attended for a motion graphics/3D course), “Le Centre NAD”. NAD has been at the forefront of 3D/2D compositing production in Montreal for quite some time now.  This latest production was a result of a school project that had for goal to create a viral video. A perfect score would have been to amass 100K views, but this team of 4 students surpassed all expectations. CNN, CBC and many other news media channels quickly picked up the story and interviewed the 4 students behind the viral hoax. Turns out it was a complex project requiring over 200+ hours of 3D programming, rigging and modeling to create the final video. Check out the explanation from the students themselves here:

Again, well played Centre NAD…well played….

Best regards,

Philippe Look
Founder and Creative Producer
Look Productions



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