Blog 25 Harnessing the Power of Video Advertising through ‘Google Adwords’

Hi all,

For years now, we have seen the influx of video technology revolutionize the way we communicate our thoughts, ideas and lives to the world. We have truly become a world wide community, with the internet allowing us to communicate directly to one another in real-time and this has never been more relevant and poignant as it is in the use of web video. Human beings have evolved to pick up on visual and auditory messages as well as, through the use of our other senses, to receive signals and communicate with other humans. This is why we are able to communicate ideas and concepts with people who speak different languages, through the simple use of signs, sounds and facial expressions. This is what makes Video the ONLY form of digital communication that offers us the ability to communicate our message, ideas, products and advertising to potential buyers using our innate needs and abilities to fully transmit information through human, audio-visual (& sensory) communication.

Today, Video is everywhere. We watch it on TV, on the Internet, on our Mobile phones & Tablets. Even traditional forms of media such as newspaper print and magazines are being phased out due to newer generations of people being so accustomed to acquiring their information and learning online and through web videos streamed directly to their mobile devices. This is where Video advertising capitalises on this monumental shift in online communication.

Take the company ‘Rokenbok toys’ for example. These innovators have learned to utilized video advertising in creative and captivating ways, not only to demonstrate their products but to target their exact audience and deceminate their message and advertisting through the web, increasing their ROI exponentially. Watch the video here to see how they’ve adopted the use of video to help their company, followers, customers and profits grow:


With technology in constant evolution, advertisers are always seeking new and innovative ways of reaching their target audience. Coupled with the power and connect-ability of video, Video Advertising is poised to be the next big thing in online marketing….shhhhh we already knew that 😉

Video is taking over the world. Contact us today to be pat of the revolution!

Best regards,

The Look Productions Team


p.s. Check out what Google and Youtube offering through their ‘Adwords for Video’ service. It’s pretty awesome stuff!






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